We are owner operators of Metabolic Life Centers-MLC

MLC utilizes a revolutionary, multi-patented Physiologic Insulin Resensitization (PIR) system that provides clinicians with an innovative way of providing individualized patient care where insulin is administered as a hormone rather than a drug.

We are owner operators of Metabolic Life Centers-MLC

MLC utilizes a revolutionary, multi-patented Physiologic Insulin Resensitization (PIR) system that provides clinicians with an innovative way of providing individualized patient care where insulin is administered as a hormone rather than a drug.

By using insulin in a manner that bio-mimics normal glucose metabolism, we can:

  • Reduce insulin resistance 
  • Increase the amount of blood sugar entering the cell
  • Increase the conversion of sugar into energy
  • Precision Infusion: Insulin as a “Hormorne” vs. a “Drug”
  • Treats: Metabolism, Inflammation, Cellular Wellness
  • Multi-Patented Adjunct Modality: Causation Focused

Restore, Repair, and Regenerate. Finally, a groundbreaking approach designed to address the primary cause of metabolic disorders instead of only suppressing symptoms.